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Author page: Mystik Sky

Empath And Energy Work

Empaths can sense and feel energy. But, what can they do with it?  How can empaths utilize their abilities? If energy can be felt, it can be manipulated. If it can be manipulated, it can be used to heal ourselves and others.  How Can Empaths Heal Themselves With Energy?  Empaths can learn to channel spiritual…

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Overcoming Low Vibrational Energy

Everything in the universe is vibrating at its own unique frequency. This includes the planets, stars, asteroids, moons, you, your dog, the plants, and everything else you can observe in this vast cosmos. If you think about it, we are all like strings on a guitar, vibrating at a specific frequency and creating a cosmic…

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Are You An Empath? Let’s Find Out!

Empaths are sensitive souls who can connect with other people’s energy. They are more sympathetic, compassionate, and kind. They feel more, see more, and know more than an average person.  They are intuitive souls who aspire to live a purpose-driven life so they can help as many people as possible. Sometimes, they end up feeling…

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Healing Frequencies

Music has been an integral part of human life for tens of thousands of years. We have been enjoying it ever since we learned to make musical instruments. And we all know by experience how healing music can be. When you are feeling low and start listening to your favorite song, you can't help but…

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