Combining Crystals And The Lunar Cycles
3 Min read
In all spiritual practices, the moon holds a special significance. In fact, ancient cultures were all aware of the role of the moon in our

The Benefits Of Amethyst
5 Min read
The amethyst gemstone was first discovered in 2000 BC, and it is believed to hold healing energy that can spiritually, physically, and mentally enhance the

Crystals To Use For Relaxation And Well-Being
2 Min read
In the modern world, stress and anxiety have become uninvited guests in most people's lives. Due to the growing complexities of life, people are experiencing

6 Everyday Crystal Rituals
4 Min read
Crystals are powerful tools that can bring rapid transformation to any area of your life. But, you can’t just hold a crystal once a month

Crystals For Clearing Bad Energy
3 Min read
Let's face facts. Avoiding stress, arguments, and bad experiences is inevitable in this world. You can try all you want, but it's natural to encounter

The Benefits Of Selenite
5 Min read
Crystals are an integral part of meditation since it enhances calmness in the user and can provide benefits through their healing properties. Every crystal has

5 Crystals For Manifesting Wealth And Success
4 Min read
Wealth, success, and prosperity are common goals most people have, but they are not that easy to manifest. Have you ever wondered why? So much

Chakra Balancing Crystals
3 Min read
You might have heard about the chakra system of the human body. The chakras are responsible for the proper flow of prana (life force energy)

Benefits of Rose Quartz
2 Min read
Rose Quartz is one of the most beautiful and soothing crystals to look at. Perhaps that is why it is also one of the most

How To Begin A Crystal Healing Regimen
3 Min read
You might have heard a lot about crystals in recent times. From regular people to celebrities, everyone seems to be on the crystal healing bandwagon.

Crystal Magick: How To Manifest Your Desires With Crystals
5 Min read
Crystals can not only help you understand your heart's truest desires, but they can also help you manifest them. They are not wish-granting machines. But,

The Best Places To Put Crystals In Your Home
3 Min read
Have you ever wondered where the best places to put crystals in your home are? Does it even matter? And how do you know which

The Easiest Way To Meditate With Crystals
3 Min read
How can crystals help you meditate? Do you even need a crystal to meditate? In this post, I will teach you everything you need to